Public Works

To comply with our Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, the City of Cedar Rapids generated and enforces Chapter 71 “Erosion and Sediment Controls for Construction Sites” of the Municipal Code. This ordinance divides construction activity into Major and Minor categories.  A Major Erosion Control Permit shall be obtained by sites that will result in a disturbed area of greater than an acre of land.

Major Erosion Control Permit Application
The Major Erosion Control Permit Application needs to be completed and submitted with your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) during the administrative review process.


Well Construction
If your construction project includes well construction, a well application may need to be completed.

Underground Detention Post-Construction Inspection
If your site includes an underground detention facility, the Post-Construction Inspection form will need to be completed by a Licensed Professional Engineer prior to receiving your Final CO.

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