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Cedar Rapids Fire Captain Responds to Flooding in Texas and Louisiana as Part of DMAT

Cedar Rapids Fire Captain Responds to Flooding in Texas and Louisiana as Part of DMAT 

A Cedar Rapids Fire Captain who is a member of the Midwest 1 DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) was activated yesterday and arrived in Dallas, Texas last night.  The team is currently awaiting orders on the exact location in either southeast Texas or Louisiana that they will be assigned.    The expectation is that the mission assignment will be provided this evening. 

DMAT is made up of physicians, nurses, paramedics, and pharmacists.  The team sets up mobile treatment bases and clinics for disaster victims.  This group is like a civilian M*A*S*H unit.  They will also establish “strike teams” that will go into disaster areas to provide treatment.

DMAT is a part of the National Disaster Medical System under the United States Department of Health and Human Services. 

Midwest 1 DMAT is expected to be in Texas or Louisiana through at least Friday, September 8th.


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