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 Cedar Rapids, IA
Agenda for Training

Following Options Available to All Editors

Looking for more information about flood protection, floodplains or stormwater-related flooding? These useful links will help you find the information you need.
Key Messages for Flood Resilience:

1. Know your flood hazard

How far are you from a flooding source – a river or a drainage easement? Do you know where the floodplain is relative to your property? https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home

2. Insure your property for your flood hazard

Most homeowner insurance policies DON’T include coverage for floods. Flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). www.floodsmart.gov

3. Protect people from the hazard of flooding

Turn around, don’t drown. Designate a place where your family can rendezvous after an evacuation order is issued. https://www.ready.gov/floods

4. Protect your property from the hazard of flooding

Replace your flooded furnace with one elevated above the flood level. Store your valuables and insurance papers upstairs in a waterproof container. https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/98102

5. Build Responsibly

Get a permit before you make modifications to your home. Use only licensed contractors who know the rules. https://library.municode.com/ia/cedar_rapids/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH32BFLMAOR

6. Protect Natural Floodplain Functions

Don’t trash the river—that’s where we get our drinking water. https://www.floods.org/PDF/WhitePaper/ASFPM_NBF%20White_Paper_%200908.pdf

General Flood Information

Annual Flood Mailer/Handout (October 2018) (English)
Annual Flood Mailer/Handout (October 2018) (Spanish)
Flood Facts Information you should know about flood in Cedar Rapids
Floodplain Management Contacts local and regional contact information

City of Cedar Rapids Flood Information

County & State Flood Information


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