
Sometimes protecting stormwater quality is as easy as scooping the poop! 

Dog poop left on the ground does not fertilize the ground or just magically disappear. It is picked up by storm water runoff and runs into our local waterways. This water is not treated or cleaned before it enters the creeks and rivers, so pet waste is a significant contributor to water pollution. It also presents health risks to humans and pets. Pet waste carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can make people, especially children, sick.

 Join the GreenCR Team and Scoop the Poop!

Scoop Poop Pledge Graphic

More ways to protect stormwater quality:

  • Do not use your dog’s waste as fertilizer. It contains harmful microorganisms from your dog’s digestive system that can be passed along to plants. Place your pet's waste in the GARBY cart.

  • If possible, bathe your pets indoors, using less toxic shampoos, or have your pet professionally groomed. Pet shampoos and soaps, even those that are biodegradable, can be toxic to people and marine life.

  • Consider using oral or topical flea control products. If you use flea control products such as shampoos, sprays or collars, make sure to dispose of unused quantities properly.

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