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Winterization of Parks and Garden Plots Begins

Winterization of Parks and Garden Plots Begins

October 5, 2023

The Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Department has begun shutting off water and closing park restrooms in preparation for freezing winter temperatures and the loss of seasonal cleaning staff. It takes multiple weeks to winterize the park system, with over 30 bathrooms, over 50 drinking fountains, and many irrigation lines. Water must be shut off to minimize maintenance expenses since pipes in parks are not insulated. Restrooms at highly used parks will remain available until November as staffing and temperatures allow. Portable toilets will be available in select locations after all restrooms are closed. Parks with gates will begin closing as weather dictates to vehicle traffic but remain open to foot and bicycle traffic.

City garden plot leases at Tuma, Ellis, Sinclair, and Gardner Golf Course will end on Sunday, October 8th. All non-vegetative materials such as stakes, wire, and plant ties must now be removed from garden plots. Volunteers will clean any remaining non-vegetative materials, and a penalty fee and loss of leasing privileges will be assessed. Parks and Recreation staff will mow and till gardens later in the fall once frost is forecasted to allow an extended gardening season.

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