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CRAC&C Seeks Community Input on Trap-Neuter-Return Proposal

CRAC&C Seeks Community Input on Trap-Neuter-Return Proposal

October 20, 2023

In the United States, there are Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs that help control the number of feral cats. Some cats are called "feral" because they are wild, unsocialized, and not used to people.

In Cedar Rapids, there are more feral cats now than there were after the 2008 Flood. Cedar Rapids Animal Care and Control is seeking to add a TNR program as part of Chapter 23 of our City Code. We hope that with new rules, there will be fewer complaints about cats, fewer cats at the animal shelter, and fewer cats being euthanized.

The idea comes from looking at what's worked in other communities, talking to experts, listening to our community members through various public input sessions, and reviewing data.

The staff at Cedar Rapids Animal Care & Control have been listening to what the community thinks about these changes. We are happy that so many people in the community care about what is best for our cats.

Right now, we need to hear additional input from the community before we submit the TNR proposal to City Council. This way we can be sure we are advancing a plan that considers the needs of our community and has support.

Click here for more information and to participate in our community-wide survey.

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